Q: Are you gay?

A: That depends on what that word means to you...
      I used to be sexually attracted toward men exclusively. For years now, my sexuality has been fluid. That is, I've experienced sexual attraction to both sexes to various degrees and for varying periods of time, sometimes simultaneously, other times neither at all. I no longer "identify as" any particular sexuality as no term adequately conveys the nuances of my experience. So, if by "gay" you mean sexually attracted to men, then I suppose the most direct answer would be, "Sometimes."

Q: What is your position on ________________? (Insert LDS doctrine or policy regarding SSA)

A: My position is firmly with the Lord's Restored Church.
      I like how North Star International words it so I'll quote them. The author of this blog "wholly supports the doctrines and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including principles outlined in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” and Church teachings regarding gender and the appropriate bounds of sexual expression." That's not to say that I agree with every way in which policies and doctrines are manifest or implemented in our culture, but I take no issue with the doctrines or policies themselves.

Q: Do you plan to get married?

A: I plan to enjoy a temple marriage to a future wife who'll be the mother of my children.
      I don't know when this will happen, but it's on my list of life goals and I don't think it's a "pie in the sky" type of goal either; I think it's entirely realistic.

Q: Is that it?

A: Not necessarily; more will be added to this page as my blog develops.
     You're welcome to send questions to joshuambutler.blog@gmail.com.