
   I'd like to preempt some complaints I'm likely to get on here...

   First, I speak from my perspective. When speaking from my perspective I may sometimes use words like we, us, our, etc. to be a voice for others with the same perspective. I understand that if I speak for any group that I won't be able to perfectly represent all of my peers therein and I don't claim to do so; I'm just speaking for those of my peers in whatever group that do share my views. You may feel I'm prideful in presuming to speak for anyone other than myself, and that's fine. I feel it would be prideful of me to think I was so special that I had things worth saying that didn't represent something beyond myself.

   Next, I speak my mind. I do my best to be as genuine with people as I can. Part of that entails me not walking on eggshells. I won't post anything for the sake of upsetting others or getting them riled up but I also won't let the chance of upsetting anyone keep me from posting what I want. I'll make an honest effort at tact in my writing but I'll also make an effort to not allow tact or political correctness to affect the clarity of what I'm saying.

   Finally, I speak as myself. I claim no authority beyond that of personal experience and study to speak on anything in this blog. I hold no advanced degrees and I'm no prophet. I like to build my views on what I get from prophets and scholars (in that order) but they're still just my views, without any special authority, be it secular or religious.

   In summary, I'm a blogger, not a professional writer, diplomat, politician, psychologist, scholar, scriptorian, or prophet, so please take everything here accordingly and our lives will be made easier.